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CSIA Laboratory Services

The laboratory will be open for business in November 2024. Initially, KEI will be basic CSIA services for common VOCs (chlorinated ethenes, benzene, MtBE) and for fuel hydrocarbons (methane, higher n-alkanes). Inquire about the availability of the less common services, including CSIA of gas phase samples (vapor intrusion assessment, etc.).

Project Design

KEI can help to design your contaminated site assessment project prior to initiating field work, to assure CSIA results will be informative. KEI can work with a client to assess the feasibility of CSIA application and to propose optimum sampling and analytical approaches. 

Interpretation of Data

KEI can provide interpretive reporting using own analytical data or for data sets obtained elsewhere. CSIA results can assist in (1) Identification of contaminant ​degradation footprints; (2) Identification of reaction pathways;  (3) Estimation of the rates of degradation; (4) Identification of contaminant sources in contaminated groundwater or at vapor intrusion sites.

R&D Projects

Dr. Kuder has a long track record of providing technical support and leadership in collaborative R&D projects. Examples of past projects are listed here. Collaborations are invited in projects in broadly defined area of isotope environmental chemistry.

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